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Trgovina Expano

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Čas poti:

Prekmurje Model Farm

Prekmurje Model Farm - an ecological haven in Prekmurje.

Prekmurje Model Farm - an ecological haven in Prekmurje

The Prekmurje Model Farm, covering 20 hectares, is situated on the picturesque plains of the Prekmurje region, in Banuta. The story of the farm began in 2022. 

The model farm is a project implemented by the Pomurska madžarska samoupravna narodna skupnost or PMSNS (The Hungarian Autonomous Community of Pomurje) with the help of funds co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia and the Agency for Rural Development and Agricultural Markets.

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in our quality products such as asparagus, strawberries, and vegetables. Our commitment to nature is also evident in the introduction of composting as a key milestone on the road to environmentally friendly practices.

We are committed to close cooperation with local producers and encourage the use of domestic and local products. Our farm is an interesting learning center where you can gain valuable knowledge about sustainable approaches and experience the local culture in all its diversity.

We invite you to visit our farm and walk through our herb and farmer's garden, which we carefully tend to in accordance with the principles of permaculture.

Join us in a world of sustainable approaches and environmental responsibility.

Animals - the heart of our farm

Horses, donkeys, gray cattle, Krškopolje pigs, and Mangalica pigs enjoy extensive outdoor areas, which allow you to observe them in their natural environment.

Harmonious coexistence of fish and plants - Aquaponics

Our farm employs a combination of modern, traditional, and organic farming techniques. In the pool where the fish live, a miracle of nature takes place. Water, enriched with fish waste, is used as plant food and continuously circulates from the pool to the plants and back.

Visit our dislocated units!

Our farm extends over a wide area where we have several dislocated units. These enable us to carry out a wide range of activities that have always been important in this part of Slovenia, including fruit growing, distillation, milling, beekeeping, butternut squash production, viticulture, and oil pumpkin production.

Banuta 10,
9220 Lendava

+386 (0)8 382 87 37


Odpiralni časi

visit to the farm by prior arrangement

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